India Africa Network

The webinar was held on Thursday, 27th May 2021 at 10:30 am GMT and 04 pm IST on Zoom platform.

Interestingly, the meeting was initially scheduled for a duration of 01hr but the webinar was concluded on a positive note with closing remarks at exactly 06:59 p.m

The order of the day was focused in the topic “Introduction to the IndiaAfrica network” and gathered 04 guest speakers from India, Cameroon and Cote d’Ivoire.

The participants were forty in total and came essentially form India, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire and Africans residing in other countries. Mr. Amit Mathur was the first guest speaker and he introduced the IndiaAfrica network as a platform which acts as a bridge between India and Africa.

Mr Kassiama’s speech was oriented on the business opportunities between India and Cote d’Ivoire.

Mr. Cham Etienne Bama, took over and gave pertinent words firstly on the opportunities offered by Cameroon and the mechanisms put in place by the Cameroonian government to attract investors and companies, and secondly, he gave a brief overview of the Africa continental free-trade area.

After the detailed explication of Sir Cham, Ms Indrayani Mulay came in as last speaker and encouraged Indian companies to look at Africa under a different perspective, by establishing long term businesses in Africa. – a platform connecting India and Africa.